
love is still the answer

Love is still the answer/ Jason mraz The question is why, why are we here? 聞きたいのは、なんで僕たちはここにいるか。 To say our hello's and goodbye's and then disappear こんにちはと言ってさようならと言って、そしていなくなる (出会いを繰り…

lose you to love me

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Bibia be ye ye

Bibia be ye ye/ Ed sheeran I lost my shoes last night, I don't know where I put my keys 僕は昨夜靴を失くした、鍵はどこへ置いたんだっけ I was tired and fell asleep beneath an oak tree 僕は疲れたからオークの木の下で眠りに落ちたんだ I bet my …

what do I know

what do I know/ ed sheeran Ain't got a soapbox I can stand upon 台の上に立って演説なんてできないけど But God gave me a stage, a guitar and a song 神様は僕にステージとギターと歌をくれた My daddy told me, "son, don't you get involved in お父…

put it all on me

put it all on me/ ed sheeran Ooh, I can't wait to get home 家に帰るのが待ちきれない I don't know why, but I'm feelin' low なぜか分からないけど元気が出ないんだ Happened again and I want you to know また起きちゃった、君には知って欲しいんだ H…